Experts from the business have recently been supporting local school children through a one-day training programme which gave them tips how to write CVs and handle job interviews.
We worked in partnership with Bishop Perowne Church of England College, based in Worcestershire, to help prepare its Year 10 students for the jobs market.
The event saw two specialist recruiters spending a day with groups of 15-year-old students, running through mock interview training and giving them a variety of tips and techniques to help them be successful in job interviews. Our team also provided the students with advice on writing their CVs.
Kasia Krieger, business manager at Pineapple Recruitment said: “As a local recruitment firm it means a lot to us to be involved with young people and to help prepare them for the future.
“In the very near future, these Year 10 students at Bishop Perowne will be looking for part-time or full-time work, or even to join apprenticeship schemes. With that in mind, the session was designed to help prepare them, understand what to expect in an interview, how to respond to questions, and so they recognise what characteristics employers are looking for in candidates.
“It was a fantastic session and the group of hugely impressive students have gone away with useful tips and a toolkit for success. They are a credit to the school we look forward to working closely with them in the months and years ahead.”
Jane Price, headteacher at Bishop Perowne Church of England College added: “Preparing our pupils for the future is vital so our partnership with Pineapple Recruitment is key part of that work. Feedback from the session has been superb and has really focused their minds on how to approach what can often be a daunting interview process.”